Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sorry, I've Been Busy

OK, so maybe I could have found five minutes here and there to post something in the last three months.  And really, I should have.  I generally have a lot to say, even if no one wants to hear it.  Sometimes I just need to focus on other things.  The last three months was mostly about getting my kids through school. 

So now I'm writing today.  Just don't expect me to have too much to say in the next couple of weeks.  I leave tomorrow on vacation to Scotland and Ireland with my mum.  It would be an understatement to say I'm excited.  I'm also a little nervous about flying, but not nearly as nervous as I was when I flew to Germany almost four years ago.

Somewhere in the picture to the right is all the garlic I planted last fall.  I bet you can't find it.  But I promise you it is there.  I have actually been pulling some of the weeds closest to the garlic plants.  I'm hoping it survives until I get back home and can it properly take care of.

And would you just look at this beautiful plantain?  All this rain and cool weather has allowed it to grow to a size I've never seen before.  There is so much of it!  I'm thinking this will be the year I lean how to harvest it and prepare it for future use. 

There's so much more I'd love to show you, but I just don't have time right now.  I have to go pack. 

            SCOTLAND OR BUST!!